Mile High Mayhem
A NAF Sanctioned 1 Day Blood Bowl Resurrection style event
$20, pre-registered $25 day of registration
If you are a NAF member, there will be no additional charge.
If you are not a NAF member, we can register you into the NAF and get you the NAF dice for an additional $10. This allows us to submit your Tournament scores and gets you ranked in the NAF.
Saturday—Let the games begin
8:00 registration and check-in
9:00 game 1
11:15 game 2
Break 1:15-2:15pm
2:15 game 3
4:15 game 4
6:30 awards
We will be playing at Dark Matter Games, 1050 So. Wadsworth Blvd, Ste O, Lakewood Colorado, 80226
720-583-1392 Rules
The tournament will be using the rules system available currently on the Games Workshop specialist games website (LRB6/CRP). Also, the additional teams from the Rules Review will be included (Slann, Underworld and Chaos Pact). There will be no overtime. We will not be using timers, but we ask that everyone be aware of the time constraint for the tournament. The illegal procedure rule has been removed. If a coach forgets to move his turn marker, politely remind them to move their turn marker along. If they forget repeatedly, attack them like a wild Minotaur until they remember.
Tournament Format
This is a resurrection style event, SPP will not count and Deaths will revive at the start of the next game. The tournament will be conducted using the Swiss-style system. Each round will see a coach play against a random opponent. In each subsequent round, the highest ranked player plays the next highest ranked player they have not previously played. However, no coach may play the same opponent twice, so if two coaches are drawn together who have previously played each other; the higher ranked player plays the next highest ranked player he has not previously played.
Team Build
T1 Every race not mentioned below
T2 Chaos Pact, Chaos, Khemri, Human, Slann
T3 Halfling, Goblin, Vampire, Ogre,
Team Builds: Any official team in the LRB 6.0 is welcome. Each team must consist of a minimum of 11 players, you may purchase players, rerolls, Asst Coaches, Cheerleaders, fan factor, NO inducements allowed. Star Players are allowed but you must have 11 players on your team before buying a Star.
T1 team 1.1 million
T2 team 1.15 million
T3 team 1.2 million
Single skills 20k each
Double skills 30k each
+1 move or armor boost 40k each
No AG or ST upgrades
No more than one upgrade per player
Tournament points
Tournament points may be gained in three ways:
1) Game Play Win or Lose points
2) Total number of Touchdown points
3) Number of Causalities and KO points
Points from Game play
Points from game play are very simple:
Game Result
Win 5 points
Tie 3
Loss 0
Each touchdown will get you the following additional points
1 TD 10 points
2 TD 20 points
3 TD 30 points
4 TD 40 points etc.
Causality points
KO= 1 point each
Death= 2 points each
During the tournament, teams with the same number of points will be separated by one of the following tie-breakers.
Order of Tie breaker
1 TD scored +/-
2 CAS caused +/-
3 Event Coordinator discretion
This may be important to determine which coaches play each other in any given round.
The Top Two players at the end of round 3 will play for the title.
Weather Table (2 D6) The Head Table will roll for weather at the start of each game.
Being that this is Colorado, we have adjusted the weather table in order to reflect our unique weather.
(2) Bitter Cold: It’s so cold that some players have got Frost Bite! Roll a D6 for each player on the pitch. On a roll of 1 the player has been stricken with frost bite and may not be set up for this drive.
(3) Very Sunny: The blinding sunshine causes a -1 modifier on all passing rolls
(4) Tornado!!: It is a Tornado, and the wind is blowing Hard!! To reflect this, all players that move more than 3 squares including a Blitz, make a roll, on a roll of 1 or 6 the player moves an additional square. Roll a D8 and use the pre-placed scatter diagram to determine the direction of movement. The player moving the additional square will ignore any tackle zones they happen to pass through. If a player moves into an occupied square then treat it as a push result on the block dice, players could be pushed out of bounds or into the Crowd. (make the appropriate injury roll for that player.) Or, the windy conditions may also result in your player being blown out of bounds or into the end zone for the winning TD!
(5 – 10) Nice: A Glorious Colorado day and decent Blood Bowl weather.
(11) Hail Storm: It’s raining and hailing, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. A -1 modifier applies to all catch, intercept, or pick up rolls.
(12) Blizzard: It’s cold and snowing! The horrible conditions means that any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be knocked down on a roll of a 1, 2, or 3. Roll for injury if the player falls down.
We are here for the fun of the game. DONT BE A DOUCHE!!! Sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches it is required! To make sure that everyone who attends will have fun the Event Coordinators will issue a yellow card warning to anyone who is taking away from the fun environment we are looking for. If the behavior continues a red card will be issued and you will be asked to leave the tournament. No Refunds! DONT BE A DOUCHE…
An important note on sportsmanship: Fouling 16 turns in a row and running up the score is not poor sportsmanship. But gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is. Remember we are all here to have a good time. Helping your opponent enjoy Blood Bowl so they will come back and play again is the name of the game and the goal of this tournament.
We HOPE that all teams meet the minimum painted guidelines. If not, not a big deal, but it couldn't hurt. To be considered fully painted; your teams should have 3 colors on them and have had some attempt at making them appear finished. Painted vs. not painted will be decided at the discretion of the Event Coordinators. (I would paint my team)
Also, we will only accept reasonable proxies for models. This means you can't get a stick out of the parking lot and say "this is a Treeman", that is not going to work. Also, all models must be numbered in some way, shape, or form for easy identification by BOTH players, and the numbers must match your roster numbering. All fully painted teams, as judged by the coordinators will receive an extra BONUS for the duration of the tournament. The Bonus will be described when you show to play.
We have inexpensive prizes selected for the winners. Other prizes will be awarded.
We will hold a raffle for a fully painted team, assorted door prizes, and other fun stuff.
What you need to bring
1) Blood Bowl Board and templates
2) Living Rule Book 6/CRP
3) Blocking dice, you will get a set of D6 and a D8 at registration (you have to use these dice)
4) Five copies of your team roster. One for registration and one each for your opponent.
5) A timer if possible (not required, but if you are in danger of not finishing you will be put on a timer) It will be at the Event Coordinators discretion who goes on a timer.
Dice Etiquette
•Only standard Blood Bowl or NAF blocking dice may be used for blocking
•All rolls using conventional six-sided dice must be made with the dice provided by the tournament
•Rolls requiring multiple dice to be rolled must be done rolling all dice at once, not one at a time
•If, after rolling any quantity of dice, any of them are cocked or fall off the table the entire pool of dice must be re-rolled.
•If an incorrect number of dice are rolled then that entire roll in nullified and a new roll is made with the correct number of dice.
•Dice cups may be used as long as, when rolling, the cup in shaken vigorously and turned completely upside down.
Finally – NO “lucky” dice that only get pulled out of the bag/dice box for crucial plays – it can foster the impression that they are not fair dice.